Good Samaritan Rescues Senior Cat Who Was Frozen To The Ground, Unable To Move

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A senior cat is now recovering after he was found near death in an awful predicament.

A good Samaritan named Kelly spotted the cat, now named Elliot, frozen to the ground in Muskegon, Michigan.

She managed to carefully lift him up and rushed him to Big Lake Animal Clinic, where his body temperature was just 94 degrees and his eyes were crusted shut from the freezing cold.

Staff at the clinic quickly jumped into action to save his life, giving him warm IV fluids, cleaning his eyes and examining him for any injuries.

After a few days of TLC, Elliot, who is estimated to be between 12 and 15 years old, was finally sitting up and eating a little bit of food. He even reached his paw out to the vet tech caring for him, as if it was his way of saying ‘thank you.’

He has thankfully been deemed stable, but he still has a long road to recovery ahead of him.

He has multiple infections including conjunctivitis, tooth and root abscesses, that are all being treated, and will need extensive oral surgery once he is fully recovered.

He is currently on a special food that is helping his organ functions get back to a normal level.

Otherwise, he is doing great for what he’s been through! He now uses his litterbox, started walking short distances, leans in for petting, and purrs when people love on him.

“He is a fighter, and we will be here fighting with him!” the animal clinic wrote on Facebook.

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When Elliot first arrived at their clinic, staff hoped to find his owners, but to no avail. It’s unknown if he had a home or if he was a stray, but no one has come forward.

Many people have contacted the clinic to inquire about adopting Elliot, but their number one focus right now is to just get him back to full health.

Once he is deemed healthy enough to go home, he will be available for adoption.

Watch his story in the video below and visit the clinic’s Facebook for updates on his recovery.

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