Stray Dog Continuously Steals Toy Unicorn From Dollar General So Animal Control Buys It For Him

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Stray Dog Continuously Steals Toy Unicorn From Dollar General So Animal Control Buys It For Him


Stray Dog Continuously Steals Toy Unicorn From Dollar General So Animal Control Buys It For Him

A store owner called animal control to report a stray dog that kept stealing a unicorn stuffed animal from the shop. When animal control arrived, they bought the stuffed animal for the dog.

Though no one is quite sure where Sisu came from or how he ended up a stray, there’s one thing for certain: He likes unicorns.

In fact, he loves them so much that he broke into the Dollar General store in Kenansville, North Carolina a total of five times to steal a giant purple unicorn stuffed animal.

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Naturally, the store owner was tired of dealing with the stray canine trying to steal his merchandise, so he called animal control and filed a record. When an animal control officer from Duplin County Animal Services showed up, they loaded Sisu up to take him to the pound, but prior to they left, they bought the unicorn he so seriously wanted.

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The Duplin Region Animal Services shared photos of the pooch with his stuffed unicorn toy on Facebook, saying, “This is what happens when you break into the dollar basic consistently to steal the purple unicorn that you laid claim to but then obtain animal control called to secure you up for your B & E and larceny however the policeman purchases your thing for you and brings it in with you.”

They even more explained that the canine’s name was Sisu, a name they gave, he was around one-year-old and weighed 67.1 pounds, and they described him as “Sassy with various other canines and will certainly not tolerate any back talk. Very vocal. Extremely loyal with individuals.”

People were normally touched by the kind officer’s actions and by Sisu’s love for the unicorn toy. The post was shared thousands of times and all of the focus lastly paid off.

In an update post, animal services shared that Sisu located an adopter! He can now live out his days in a caring forever home, surrounded by love from family and his purple unicorn.

Just how sweet is that?

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