3 legged dog gets over hurdle and walks upright like a person

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3 legged dog gets over hurdle and walks upright like a person

This adorable pooch has heads turning all over he goes. For those who live in Ouray, Colorado, watching Dexter the dog walk around town upright like a human is not an uncommon sight.

They have actually been used to seeing him walk the streets of the “Switzerland of America” on his hind legs, always accompanied by his owner, Kentee Pasek.

Dexter is in fact a celebrity and he also has an official Instagram account, which has 150k followers. In fact, lots of people travel to Ouray, wishing to get a glimpse of the amazingly intelligent canine that has an inspiring story.

You see, Dexter really did not learn to walk upright as part of his training or to look fancy or become famous. The canine needed to teach himself to walk like that when he found himself unable to walk on 4 legs.

When Dexter was still a puppy, he left his yard, ran in the nearby roads and was eventually hit by a car.

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The crush was so bad that he was seriously injured. His owner knew that he would never ever be the same once again. You see, he lost one of his front legs, and the various other one was left terribly damaged.

The only thing they can do for him was to give a wheelchair for dogs so he can move around.

The wheelchair thing worked for a little while, however then at some point, Dexter’s owner recognized that her dog had located an alternative to it.

Pasek was resting on the porch while the dog was at the foot of her porch without his wheelchair. She went inside for a moment and, when she returned, she found Dexter on top of the stairs. She was perplexed.

“I ran in to go get my mug of coffee, came out … and I was like, ‘How is this going on?’” she informed CBS News.

Interested to know how her dog had actually managed to get up there, she grabbed her phone, then placed the pooch at the end of the stairs once again. What she recorded was unbelievable.

Dexter stood up like a human and walked upstairs as if it was one of the most normal thing in the world.

Pasek was surprised, however she was happy that her dog had found a method to walk all by himself without requiring any support.

Six years later, Dexter is the most popular celebrity in Ouray, while he is often featured in local parades.

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