Cop reacts to call about ‘vicious’ pitbull and finds ‘sweetest’ boy waiting

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Cop reacts to call about ‘vicious’ pitbull and finds ‘sweetest’ boy waiting

The police got a call about a vicious dog wandering around the neighborhood. And when they found the dog, he was not at all what they expected.

There are a lot of misconceptions about pitbulls that gave them a poor reputation.

And it’s made individuals so wary of them enough to ban them from their buildings, apartment complex, restaurants, and other public locations.

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That’s why when a pitbull-looking dog was found roaming without a leash around a neighborhood in Texarkana, Texas, locals rapidly called the police to take care of the “problem.”.

Policeman Travis Frost was the policeman who responded to the phone call, and he drove over to the place of the dog.

He found the reported canine laid down on someone’s front porch. It was an unassuming pitbull or a dog that looked like a pitbull.

Not knowing what the canine has already done, if he’s done anything at all, or if he’ll do anything to Officer Frost, he made sure to keep the front door of his squad car, simply in case.

Keeping his range, he whistled at the canine, waiting to see what the dog will do.

And what the dog did next was not what Officer Frost expected.

As quickly as he whistled and the dog noticed him, the dog walked over to him, with his tail wagging behind him.

This was not the vicious dog he was expecting to find. This was a dog eager to find a friendly face and its owner.

After the dog let Officer Frost pet him momentarily, he went straight to the squad car and jumped on the front seat. He felt right at home.

Officer Frost just stayed there with the dog, and they hung out while they waited for Animal Control to grab the dog.

Sadly, whether they do anything or not do anything, pitbulls have had the negative reputation that they are vicious pets. This is because they have been shown by humans to be aggressive and to fight.

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And because pitbulls are constantly willing to follow their owner’s commands, they end up fighting other canines since that’s what they have actually been shown.

Actually, pitbulls are in fact nanny dogs since they are normally guarding and protective. And they’re especially protective of kids.

Obviously, pit bulls, or any type of canine for that matter, can still be a risk but only because there was no supervision.

” Pit Bulls have a bit of a bad credibility. Travis said that, while you must always be careful around any canine that you don’t know, you shouldn’t automatically assume that all pit bulls misbehave canines. They might be truly caring like this guy was this morning,” Texarkana Police Department wrote on their Facebook post.

Animal Care & Adoption Center eventually picked up the guy and did their best to contact the dog’s owner.

They found the dog’s microchip, however unfortunately, the contact information of their owner was not updated so it took them a while to contact us. This is also a friendly reminder to constantly keep your info on your canine’s microchip updated.

It can be the distinction in between getting your dog back house and a trip to the shelter.

A lot of people also commented and fixed the article when they claimed he was actually an American Bully and not a pitbull. They have extremely similar looks and people can make honest mistakes.

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