Dog Prefers Cardboard Box Over Other Beds After Being Saved From Streets

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PHOTO: FACEBOOK/detroitdogrescue

Captain, a remarkable canine with a distinct character, challenges the usual norms with his choice of resting place. While most dogs prefer comfortable and plush beds, Captain finds comfort in a simple cardboard box as his nightly refuge.

Kristina Millman-Rinaldi, the founder of Detroit Dog Rescue, revealed on social media that Captain’s fondness for the cardboard shelter is rooted in the sense of security it offers. She believes that the box reminds Captain of his difficult past, where he had to rely on ingenuity and self-preservation.

Although Captain’s background remains a mystery, it is known that he faced the harsh realities of life as a stray dog in Detroit. He wandered the streets, malnourished and sick, searching for food and survival.

In November, Detroit Dog Rescue welcomed Captain into their shelter, providing him with a safe haven and rejecting euthanasia. They have been committed to his physical and emotional well-being, as well as actively working on his behavior through effective training methods, as commended by Millman-Rinaldi.

Described as an affectionate and gentle soul, Captain has a fondness for peanut butter, his ultimate canine delight. With an adorable wagging tail that can bring a smile to anyone’s face, he proudly displays his newfound skills. Despite the adversity he has faced, Captain’s inherently kind nature remains intact.

One can only speculate as to why Captain prefers slumbering in cardboard boxes. Perhaps it’s a remnant of his past, a comforting familiarity he seeks amidst uncertainty. Millman-Rinaldi humorously muses that he may even believe he’s a cat.

Millman-Rinaldi empathizes with the challenges Captain has endured. She remains determined to provide him with everything his heart desires—a loving home and a forever family who will cherish him, ensuring his safety and happiness. And, of course, there will always be an ample supply of cardboard boxes to accommodate his sleeping preferences.

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