Dog Walks Into Police Station To Report Himself Missing

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Dog Walks Into Police Station To Report Himself Missing


Dog Walks Into Police Station To Report Himself Missing

Last week, in the wee hours of the early morning, an unexpected visitor walked through the doors of the Odessa Police Department in Texas and also hopped up onto the counter.

It was a friendly dog who seemed excited to allow police officers know of an incident in progress– that a certain somebody had gone missing from home.

He, himself.

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Sergeant Rusty Martin was among the officers there to get him, keeping in mind that the puppy appeared none too distressed by his “lost dog” status. Mostly, he just seemed out for a great time– and he got one.

” We were all excited to have him in the building,” Martin told The Dodo. “We had a tennis ball and also threw it in the lobby awhile. Everybody loved on him.”

In spite of delighting in the canine’s surprise company, those on duty didn’t ignore the case he had actually originally brought forward. Solving it, however, soon hit a snag.

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The dog was using a collar, but the ID tag had actually apparently fallen off, so animal control was sent off to come check for a microchip.

Before they arrived, however, points took a turn.
Obviously deciding he would certainly been “missing” enough time, the dog headed back to his family, all on his own.

” He ran out equally as quick as he came in,” Martin claimed, having actually published about the incident on Facebook. “The owner responded the following day [to say that] it was his canine and he had returned home. He lives about a mile from the station.”

The canine, who’s called Chico, had cracked his first case– albeit one of his own design.

” I was impressed,” Martin claimed. “He may just be cut out for this work.”

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