Heartbroken woman finds abandoned dog tied to fence with only blanket and food

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No canine should ever have to endure the sensation of being deserted. The anxiety that accompanies it is beyond words, and we can only hope that the dog will not be left with lasting emotional scars.

When Mia was abandoned in the dead of night by her owner in Newark, New Jersey, she was completely unaware of what was happening. She was tethered to a fence, with just a small blanket, a bit of food, and water.

Then came the heartbreaking moment!

Her owner vanished, leaving her alone in the darkness, holding onto the hope that someone would come back for her. Regrettably, that awaited reunion never materialized.

Rescued Just In Time

Source: Jersey Pits Rescue

Thanks to giant-hearted people who noticed Mia alone in the dark, her help soon arrived. Yasmin, a long-time volunteer of Jersey Pits Rescue, from New Jersey, rushed to the scene and she was immediately heartbroken.

“I just got a call about an abandoned Pitbull. They left her here with a blanket and food and water,” Yasmin told The Dodo.

The good news was – this adorable Pittie girl was so friendly that she immediately warmed up to Yasmin. She started to wag her tail and gave her savior the cutest smile. It was as if she somehow knew that things would be okay – and she was right!

Mia Was An Instant Sweetie

happy dog sitting on a benchSource: Jersey Pits Rescue

As it was the middle of the night, Yasmin had already prepared a blanket and a pillow. She decided to spend the night with Mia in the car, as she wasn’t sure how her other dogs would react to her.

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The two spent the night getting to know each other better over some delicious treats that Mia adored! The next morning, she got a flea treatment and got introduced to a temporary shelter – Yasmin’s home.

“Mia is the sweetest, most precious little soul we have ever met. We have no idea how a dog that was abandoned in this way can still be so resilient and loving,” the rescue wrote in a Facebook post.

sweet dog holding a toy in its mouthSource: David Biondi

She immediately acclimated to the new home. It was evident that Mia was a pet before, as she had perfect manners and incredible social skills.

“She is very low maintenance and happy just to be around her people. She walks nicely on leash, takes treats gently, and absolutely LOVES kids! Mia does not mind being in her crate and knows to use the bathroom outside,” her rescue wrote.

She showered everyone with love and didn’t have any reaction to Yasmin’s cat, or other animals. She was definitely a lover! And, boi did she show affection to kids!

All Mia craved all along was attention – and now, she’s got plenty!

In Love With Her New Dad

guy and smiling dogSource: David Biondi

After only a few days with her new momma, Mia got the surprise of a lifetime! The rescue found her the pawfect foster dad, David, who couldn’t wait to meet his new girl.

On their very first meeting, Mia instantly ran toward him and melted in his arms. It was definitely love at first sight – and this girl knew that David was the one!

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She literally clung to him 24/7, and even though she loved other family members as well, no one could compare to her dad.

adorable dog holding a toySource: Jersey Pits Rescue

Eventually, she became the perfect foster fail. David and her new family couldn’t stand the idea of being separated from Mia for one day, so they decided to keep her for good.

This loving girl now gets to spend her life filled with adventures and love with her favorite hoomans. And, the best thing of all – she never, ever has to worry about being abandoned again! Her bad days are definitely behind her. From now on, happiness is all she feels!

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