Helpless Puppy Found Snuggling On Road While Being Eaten Alive By Fleas

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Helpless Puppy Found Snuggling On Road While Being Eaten Alive By Fleas


Helpless Puppy Found Snuggling On Road While Being Eaten Alive By Fleas

Numerous people walked past this small pup without even stopping to take a look at him as he lay on his lonesome in the middle of the street. Since nobody knows what to do with stray dogs, a lot of them walked by him without stopping.

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The tiny dog was covered in fleas which made him very weak as they contributed to anemia! He needed an immediate help!

Fortunately, a woman that works in a rescue group heard about the pup and directly competed over. When she saw the canine, she was completely heartbroken as he had hundreds of them, that caused to Demodex! So, she directly took him to the vet.

The pup was placed on the examination table to be tested. The canine needed daily medicated baths and antibiotics to remove the fleas and mange.

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However, the puppy started feeling safe specifically with the woman that saved him. She also chose to find a forever home for him, which was her friend’s.

He had the ability to sleep in a warm cozy bed and have delicious meals after spending his entire life sleeping in the street. He loved his brand-new mama and his brand-new forever home.

One year after adoption, the canine has actually transformed from a small, sad puppy into a healthy, happy pup! What a transformation!

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