Lady Strolling In Woods Came Upon A Bucket Of Puppies, Chosen One Up By The Neck

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Lady Strolling In Woods Came Upon A Bucket Of Puppies, Chosen One Up By The Neck


Lady Strolling In Woods Came Upon A Bucket Of Puppies, Chosen One Up By The Neck

As she and her friend walked in the afternoon, they heard weeping in the distance.

They complied with the noise and were surprised to see what they saw!

4 puppies, less than a month old, were all alone. There was no mommy dog anywhere to be seen. How could someone leave their puppies here like this? The two women instantly called the local rescue organization.

Rescuers arrived quickly. The kind woman raised each puppy to examine them. Fortunately, she had a lot of experience with animals tossed like this and she is eager to help them.

She saw the puppies being eaten alive by ticks. Poor babies! Tow pups must have been thinner than the other two. Their condition was very worrying. They put the puppies in a bucket and took them to the vet clinic.

The veterinarian cleared 2 of the puppies to visit the rescue shelter. He said they needed extra calories and treatment for ticks but otherwise, they were alright.

Two of the puppies needed to remain at the clinic. They were severely anemic from all the tick bites and malnourishment. They required additional TLC and blood transfusions.

We can’t imagine just how scared these puppies must have been. They are so small and come from their mother. We are grateful that the rescuers took turns with 2 puppies at the vet while they were in therapy.

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2 healthier puppies are currently in their foster care and they are doing fantastic. The other two puppies are presently in the veterinary clinic, however they are getting better every day.

Blood transfusions revived the puppies. All are tick-free and have been treated for parasites.

Say thanks to benefits the woman and friend were taking a walk when they did. If not, it’s unlikely the puppies would have survived.

Currently all four are doing well. What an amazing rescue!

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