Scared Puppy Was Using Shoe As Sanctuary Until One Man Shown Up

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Scared Puppy Was Using Shoe


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Scared Puppy Was Using Shoe As Sanctuary Until One Man Shown Up

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With so many sad cases of abandoned pets, it’s revitalizing to see a story with a truly happy ending.

1 day, a man named Goran Marinkovic who takes care of stray animals found a little surprise in the form of an abandoned puppy resting next to a shoe.

The pup was hungry and ill, so Goran took him in and assisted him to recover, and become the gorgeous puppy he knew he could be.

When Goran found him, he was surrounded by garbage and he looked extremely weak.

He used the shoe he was located next to, to help shield him from the elements.

The pup was all alone with no sign of a mother, or a relative around that could help look after him.

In a meeting with Boredpanda, Goran spoke on his actions: “I save animals that are threatened, that live on the street. I look after animals because I enjoy them, I love animals equally everything, cats, dogs, others …”.

Goran fed the malnourished puppy and took him straight to the vets for a check-up.

After being dealt with by the vet, Goran took him home, provided him food, drink, sanctuary, and more importantly a great deal of love.

He named the pup Smesten and adopted him himself!

Smesten is a very energetic and lively puppy.

In Gorans home, he has great deals of siblings he can have fun with, in spite of being much smaller sized than the rest of them.

After six months of loving care, Smesten is practically unrecognizable.

Thanks to the help from Goran, Smesten can now live a full happy life!

Thanks Goran, you are a real hero and the globe requires even more people like you!

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