Young Monty is Ready for a Home of His Own if You’re Ready for Snuggles

  If you’re looking for a calm companion, Monty is definitely your guy. He is rather quiet and reserved for a kitten, though curiosity will get the best of him, and he’ll want to explore, stare out of windows, and find ways to play. His favorite toy is anything furry or stringy that moves. Photo: … Đọc tiếp

Shy Street Survivor “Dr. Pepper” Has Transitioned to a Loving House Kitty

Meet Dr. Pepper, a young female feline rescued from a life of scrounging for food and shelter. After struggling to survive on the streets, just skin and bones, Dr. Pepper has blossomed into absolutely loving indoor cat life. It was a big change for her to come inside, but she was accepting of human love … Đọc tiếp

@FlyWithKay Fundraiser Aims to Raise $50,000 for Pilots to the Rescue

With a start date of Saturday, August 19, running through September 30, 2023, pilot and social media personality Kay Hall of @FlyWithKay began a well-deserved fundraising campaign across her social media channels to benefit the rescue group and charitable organization known as Pilots to the Rescue. To date, they’ve flown more than 2,000 animals to … Đọc tiếp

Helping 20 cats and kittens in a Brooklyn basement We found 20 cats in just this ONE basement in Brooklyn, and there are tens of thousands more cats on the streets in NYC! Without big solutions, we simply cannot save them all. Together we can solve this crisis, but we need your help now to make it happen. Visit to help us … Đọc tiếp

Rescuing kittens from a Brooklyn basement A friendly cat led us to a secret underground cat colony that’s been reproducing out of sight for years, sending dozens of unsterilized cats out to create new colonies of their own. It’s time to do something BIG to solve this crisis – and we need your help to make it happen. Visit to learn more … Đọc tiếp

Two injured street kittens find a home together

We found these two kittens outside looking for help. One kitten was living in some empty shipping containers, crying for help, with his head tilted to the side. And we found another with an old leg injury that made walking difficult. Help make more stories like this possible by becoming a monthly supporter: You … Đọc tiếp