People around the world are enamored by cats of all kinds. Just like there are dog and cat people, it seems there’s a divide in the cat community too. Some cat people prefer cats who are sly, lean, cold-blooded killers who bounce around the house and cause chaos. Others, however, enjoy cats who are chunky, sun-seeking, box-loving felines who would prefer to lounge around and eat catnip all day.
While most people can appreciate the cuteness that comes from a “chonky” cat, it’s reasonable to say that anything taken to an extreme can have damaging effects. Cue, Patches.

Patches is a 40.3lb cat who was taken in by animal control in Virginia. Not only did he need a new home, but also a new diet!
Richmond Animal Care and Control posted an adoption ad for the cat on Facebook and it quickly went viral.
In the post, they wrote: “Did you wake up today and say, ‘let’s adopt the largest cat anyone has ever seen’? If so, we have the cat for you. Meet Patches; all 40.3 POUNDS of him!”
The post added that they’re working to get Patches’ weight under control in a safe and healthy way and are looking for an adopter who will be commited to the same. “He’s been regulated to a very special diet, is on an exercise plan and is very sweet. He’s neutered, tested, chipped and ready to go today!” the post continued. “Please email to meet him (he’s living in her office) with your home info and your commitment to help Patches get to a safe and heathy weight. Until then, we will marvel at his gloriously gluttonous body!”
The post quickly went viral and it wasn’t long before animal control updated it to share that Patches had been adopted. They added a photo of Patches with his new owner, Kay Ford, in the comments of the post, along with some other photos of Patches.

In an interview with the New York Post, Ford said, “I saw the picture of Patches and I just knew immediately I needed to go and get him.”
While the shelter received inquiries about the cat from around the country, Ford felt she was the right choice. She said, “I knew that I was in a position to help him. I’m retired, I’m home a lot. I just am completely motivated and just feel like I have the time to help him achieve to get to this point where he and Wellesley are just playing together and having a wonderful time and he’s happy and healthy.”

While Patches’ weight might seem like it’d break some records, the Guinness World Record for fattest cat was recorded back in 1986. The title went to a 46lb 15 ½ oz feline named Himmy. The organization no longer accepts submissions for that title because they don’t want pet owners overfeeding their pets on purpose. Even so, Patches came pretty close to the record at just 6 lbs shy!