Heroic Dog Saves Baby Deer from Drowning in Storm by Jumping In

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Who can resist an adorable baby deer with large eyes? While many people focus on domestic pets, it’s important to remember the well-being of wild animals too. Just imagine the distress of witnessing one of these creatures in danger of drowning!

The touching tale of a brave pup who becomes a hero by saving the life of its friend is sure to evoke strong emotions and perhaps even bring tears to your eyes, in a manner typical of dogs with lots of affectionate licks.

Storm, a golden retriever, was taking a stroll by Long Island Sound with his owner, Mark Freeley, when they stumbled upon a fawn struggling in the water due to harsh weather conditions. Approaching the animal was too risky due to the stormy gusts, and traditional methods of rescue seemed inadequate for the situation. Without hesitation, Storm decided to take matters into his own paws.

He gently grasped the baby deer by the neck and carefully dragged her to safety on land where she could recuperate, dutifully standing guard over both of them until the arrival of the Animal Rescue League of Long Island.

The fawn is startled and runs back into the water. Strong Island Animal Rescue League’s Mark and Frank Florida are determined not to let this little mite fall victim again, so they jump in, ready for an extreme rescue mission! Storm kept a close eye on Mark and Frank as they attempted to save the baby deer. They were able to rescue the fawn eight minutes later using rope rescue tactics!

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The terrified fawn was taken to a rescue center. She is now resting after her ordeal and being treated for ticks as well as an eye injury, but she appears to be fully recovered thanks to the storm’s quick reactions!

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