Jogger Hears Blood-Curdling Screams Of Pain And Noticed It Was Coming From A Puppy

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Jogger Hears Blood-Curdling Screams Of Pain And Noticed It Was Coming From A Puppy

A jogger from Saudi Arabia lately shared a heartbreaking video of a puppy in distress. He was jogging on a sidewalk when he heard the heart-wrenching cries of a puppy in pain.

In this video clip, the puppy is hiding behind a hand tree, begging every passerby for help. As he moves in closer to the puppy, he recognizes that he is simply skin and bones, and seems suffering from a recent trauma.

It takes a bit of friendly petting from the jogger, but the puppy finally relaxes, trusting that the man was there to help. The man too was relocated by the plight of the puppy and chose to take him home.

The puppy, currently named Scopy, was given a full bowl of kibble. As Scopy hungrily fed himself from the bowl, the man was still stressed over Scopy’s health. He took Scopy to the vet where the doctor assured him that Scopy was doing great, but was a little bit traumatized emotionally.

Currently back in the house, Scopy’s spirits are on a continuous increase as he receives love and care. Scopy likes his new dad and we’re happy they’ll be sharing many brand-new milestones together! What a sweet rescue!

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