Stray Cat Found Paralyzed After Being Shot In Back Needs Our Help To Walk Again

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Millions of stray cats roam the streets of Greece and sadly many are starving, injured, and in need of medical care. Stray animals already have a tough life, and then cruel individuals cause them even more pain.

A stray cat named Ninja was found unable to move his hind legs after being shot in the back by an evil person and left to suffer in the street. Staff from a local shelter, Let’s Be S.M.A.R.T., came to his rescue and took him to a local animal hospital to be treated.

Photo: Let’s Be S.M.A.R.T.

He arrived in extreme pain with sores on his hind legs from dragging them behind him. The only option was emergency surgery to remove the bullet that was lodged next to his spine. Ninja has already shown signs of improvement but will have a long recovery.

Photo: Let’s Be S.M.A.R.T.

His caretakers shared, “Ninja is one of the most precious guys we have ever met! He is playful and despite the challenges he has faced he is always happy and ready to enjoy a good stroke. He is one or our FIV positive cats but is super friendly with everyone.”

Photo: Let’s Be S.M.A.R.T.

The sweet feline deserves a chance to find a loving home.

Greater Good Charities’ Emergency Animal Medical fund is helping with the cost of his surgery and ongoing medical bills so he can learn to walk again.

Part of Ninja’s post-surgery treatment requires physiotherapy, which has improved his condition significantly since starting. Now, he can use the litter box on his own!

Photo: Let’s Be S.M.A.R.T.

The shelter told us, “We wanted Ninja to have an area he felt comfortable and hence we created a special disabled room for him. He even has a friend Cato that is also paralyzed to hang out with.”

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We need your help. With further treatment, Ninja could take his first steps since being shot, but this process could take several months. Will you help cover the cost of Ninja’s medical care?

In late 2023, Greater Good Charities were approached by groups working in the city of Xanthi, Northern Greece, to assist in the support of over 600 pets seeking out an existence in and around a municipal rubbish site. Since then, working alongside the Animal Rescue Site and community partners, they have provided food, specialist medical care, funded high quality spay-neuter services and supported foster and adoption for dozens of pets.

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, Greater Good Charities and the Animal Rescue Site are in the process of deepening our commitment to the pets of Xanthi, ensuring every animal has the support it needs. We are also expanding our reach to several new areas within Greece, supporting both cats and dogs in need.

Photo: Let’s Be S.M.A.R.T.

Ninja is just one of the many pets we’re helping in Greece, but we can’t cover his ongoing care without your support. Help us meet our goal of $4,000 for Ninja and pets like him.

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