A Little Boy Adopts the Oldest Unwanted Dog From Shelter, Bringing Happiness Until His Last Days.

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It’s difficult to fathom how anyone could abandon their pets, but that’s exactly what happened when one family moved away, leaving their dog, Shey, with the Animal Rescue League of Iowa.

Shey, a 14-year-old miniature poodle, spent the next four months at the shelter, patiently waiting for a new home despite being nearly toothless, partially blind, and deaf.

But none of this mattered to Tristan, a young boy who visited the shelter looking for a cuddly puppy. When he met Shey, the affectionate little dog, they formed an instant connection.

Tristan was also informed that the dog requires special care due to his condition. Tristan then made the decision to adopt Shey after realizing that he could care for him.

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