Cat, Kevin Durant, Missing For 7 Years Is Reunited With Mom Thanks To Microchip

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A beloved cat named Kevin Durant went missing in 2017. His mother, Elizabeth Gillespie, searched for him and started to lose hope that he would ever be found.

It took seven long years, but she finally received a text on Thursday night saying her precious feline had been found.

Kevin didn’t wander far as he was found living in a cat colony just a mile away from his home. He was brought into Walker County Animal Shelter and was scanned for a microchip, which he had. 24Petwatch was contacted by the shelter who then contacted Elizabeth with a text saying her cat had been found.

She headed to the shelter the following morning to reunite with Kevin. She took him in her arms and kissed him over and over. The sweet moment was captured on video posted on Elizabeth’s Facebook page.

She said, “He has been OUTSIDE in a cat colony about a mile from me this whole time! His caretaker even had his ear clipped (he was already neutered). He is filthy but appears healthy. We will be going to the vet to make sure. I’m so happy he is back home!”

Elizabeth is a volunteer at North Georgia Animal Alliance who shared her inspiring reunion story on Facebook. They wrote, “MICROCHIPS WORK!! Have your pet(s) microchipped if they aren’t already! And remember to update the info if you move or get a new number! And welcome home, Kevin Durant!”

Kevin, who is now 12 years old, is adjusting to life indoors again and is reportedly doing well. “His vet appt went well and he is FIV/FELV negative but has a bit of an URI,” the shelter shared. “It will be a slow adjustment but he can relax and retire properly now that he is a senior fellow.”

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Elizabeth also shared an update, “He’s healthy and hanging out well at home. And FIV/FELV negative! My guilt from absorbing that he’s been so close and outside this whole time is overwhelming. I’m so glad I get to have more time with him though. He’s my cross eyed boy, my BoBo China (excellent restaurant in Dallas). It’s going to be an adjustment for him for sure.” He is sharing his home with two other felines, who are also named after NBA players.

We are so happy that Kevin has found his way back home. Microchips are so important, and every day help reunite lost pets with their families. Cindy Armstrong commented that she also had a happy reunion thanks to a microchip, “Love this!! I got my Great Pyrenees back at the end of September 2023! He had been missing almost 5 years. He went missing on Halloween night 2018. I about passed out when the chip company called me!! He was neutered and chipped before he went missing. They found him on Hwy 58 and I live in Rock Spring Ga!”

Never give up hope.