Tiny Donkey Desperately Wants To Be A Clydesdale, Has Internet In Stitches As He Makes His Case

A heartwarming Budweiser commercial has, once again, gone viral on the internet. The video features a young donkey who’s dream is to be an iconic Clydesdale horse, which are used in both the farming and racing industries. Clydesdale horses a type of draft horse that famously have shaggy hair on the bottom half of their legs. Budweiser … Read more

A Vet Reveals What Pets Do in Their Final Moments, and All Pet Owners Need to Read This

A pet is never just a pet, every owner will tell you that. No matter the size, eating habits, and number of times you need to walk it, your pet becomes a family member and losing a family member is devastating. In these moments, your human presence, support, and care are as needed as ever. We at Bright Side don’t want a single pet to suffer from loneliness at the hardest time in their lives, … Read more

Diver doesn’t understand what seals wants — when he stretches out his hand, I can’t stop laughing

Encountering wildlife up close is always fascinating. Just ask diver Gary Grayson, who encountered a gray seal in its natural habitat. The seal didn’t seem the least bit afraid of Gary, and instead did something that makes me love wildlife even more. It happened while Gary was diving near the Scilly Isles off the coast … Read more

Newborn orangutan found “mummified” in cardboard box shows incredible transformation

Meet Gito. He’s a little orangutang who suffered a truly harrowing experience. Fortunately, there were animal rescuers on hand to save his life. When the animal rights organisation International Animal Rescue found him in 2015, they weren’t sure whether he was alive or dead. According to The Dodo, his mother was shot by poachers, but little … Read more

Tiger Is Rescued From The Circus After Being Neglected Due To Ignorance – Witness Her Miraculous Transformation

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: wild animals have no place in the circus. Aasha, a Bengal tiger, is another example of an animal abused by the circus. But, thankfully, it ended well for her, thanks to an animal organization that provided her with exactly what she required. Read her incredible story below. … Read more

Woman Finds A Dying Pink Blob On The Ground, Vows To Give Him A Second Chance

A wσman named Jessica was walƙing her ƙid hσme frσm ρreschσσl when she nσticed a teeny ρinƙ blσb σn the grσund, writes ilσvemydσgsσmuch As she insρected further, she realized the ρσσr creature was a newbσrn baby squirrel whσ had ρrσbably fallen σff his nest. The yσungling was hurt and it didn’t seem liƙe he wσuld … Read more