Over 80 Shelter Dogs & Cats Arrive In New Jersey To Find Forever Homes Thanks To Your Support

On Monday, June 26, 47 dogs and 35 cats left overcrowded shelters in Louisiana and boarded our Summer Sunshine Flight to Freedom. The life-saving flight landed in New Jersey where the pets were greeted by smiling faces and transported back to shelters to begin their new lives. Photo: Greater Good Charities Dogs like Lil’ Anne … Đọc tiếp

Majority of Pet Owners Say they Wouldn’t Cut Pet Spending if they Were Laid Off

A recent survey conducted by Quicken Inc., the maker of personal finance software, has revealed that only 38 percent of pet owners would consider cutting back on their spending habits when it comes to their fur babies should they get laid off. What makes this interesting is that 56 percent of parents say they’d sacrifice … Đọc tiếp

Photos Show The Transformation Of Rescue Cats Before And After Adoption

Sometimes a rescue animal just needs a little TLC to really shine. When they’re living on the streets or in a shelter, it can be hard to see their personalities come through. Every day is simply survival. But when they finally get adopted, pets can really let loose and be their best selves. It’s amazing … Đọc tiếp

Young, Malnourished Street Kitty that Got a Chance at Indoor Life is Sold on the Idea Now

Meet 9-month-old Tamarind, a special shy boy who is learning indoor life after living most of his existence on the streets. Malnourished and sick, his rescuers at Southern Arizona Cat Rescue in Tucson thought he was a kitten when he arrived at just 2 pounds! Upon further examination, however, it was discovered that he had … Đọc tiếp

Bonded Tortie Ladies in Need of a Together Forever Home Would Like to Meet You

A bonded pair of tortoiseshell kitties in southern Arizona are searching for a together forever home so they can stay in each other’s lives after everything they’ve been through so far — including motherhood. Meet Blair (1 year) and Willow (2 years). This is what the Southern Arizona Cat Rescue, which is in charge of … Đọc tiếp

A Real People Kitty, Another Lovely Luna Needs a Forever Home

Meet Luna, a gorgeous 3-year-old female Tabbico who love, love, loves her people! Luna is currently being fostered through the Southern Arizona Cat Rescue, and she very much needs a forever home to cuddle up, purr, and play in ’til her heart’s content. Here’s what SACatRescue has to share about her: Photo: SACatRescue This beautiful … Đọc tiếp

Sweet Young Cat Rescued from Streets is Through with Mothering & Wants a Human Family Now

Meet 1-year-old Encelia. This sweet gal came to Southern Arizona Cat Rescue from a cat colony with her five newborn babies during kitten monsoon season this past spring. She did a superb job raising her babies and is now ready to relax as a spoiled indoor cat. Photo: SACatRescue Because of her life as a … Đọc tiếp

Rescued at 1 Day Old and Nearly Euthanized Due to Illness, Roxie Proves She’s Worth All the Trouble

There are millions of cats in the U.S. alone that are still in need loving forever families. Some of them are easy to rescue, easy to care for, and easy to adopt out. Others present much greater problems and sometimes make people wonder if it’s worth putting so much time, energy, and money into them. … Đọc tiếp