Fosters and volunteers are desperately needed across the country for rescues and shelters bursting at the seams with surrendered or stray animals. The sentiment is shared by the Connecticut-based rescue organization Where the Love Is, which seconded the notion.
“We are constantly asking for fosters. It’s just really wonderful when a dog could get out of the kennel and into a home,” volunteer Janice Murphy Wallace said.

Overflowing Kennels
Animal welfare organizations are unable to bring in newly surrendered animals until space clears in the shelters. This means they need to be temporarily fostered or the unthinkable happens: euthanasia due to overcrowding. To make matters worse, there is frequently absolutely nothing wrong with the animals selected for the procedure, such as old age, disease, or aggressive behavior.
While Where the Love Is is looking for more fosters, the organization is also seeking volunteers for shelter events, and they are always looking to connect with people ready to adopt a rescue pet.

PACC’s Kennel Space Crisis
In Tucson, Arizona, the Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) is another facility that would love to see more people fostering. While they encourage it, they’ve also started a program to head off the need for surrender, realizing keeping the animals with their owners is a much better option than surrender, foster, or euthanizing animals unnecessarily.
In response to all of the pressure facing many pet parents over the last few years, PACC started the Pet Support Center. The Pet Support Center works with pet owners in crises to provide support and resources to keep pets in the homes that already love them.

Code Red
They help with veterinary and medical resources, behavioral training support, food and basic pet ownership supplies, housing information and potentially temporary placement, as well as low-cost spay/neuter information.
Like the rest of the country, Pima Animal Care Center is currently experiencing an increase in intake, specifically of medium to large-sized dogs. Because more pets are coming in than are getting adopted or fostered each day, the shelter is running out of available dog kennels. PACC is currently in code red status regarding available space.

Fostering Saves Lives
Fostering pets really can save lives. If you have the time and the space, please contact your local rescues or shelters to find out how you can help lighten their loads and save the life of an animal. Nearly all of them are there through no fault of their own, and quite often the organization you’re fostering for will help out with the items you’ll need to keep the animal with you until an adopter comes along.
There are resources available. For instance, the Humane Society regularly has food donation drives that result in community members being able to pick up food and other necessities on weekends a few times a month. And if you simply can’t foster, consider volunteering or checking an animal out for a day, night, or even the weekend just to get it out of the shelter environment, which tends to be stressful for pets.
If you think about it, ask which pets are the most stressed out and give them a reprieve for a few hours or a few days. You’ll never know what a difference you’ll be making in the life of a rescue pet.