German Shepherd Helps His Owner Foster Blind Rescue Kittens

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Dogs and cats have a reputation for not getting along. While there may be some truth to this stereotype, the reality is that dogs and cats can form close relationships if they are introduced and socialized properly.

The relationship between dogs and cats often depends on the individual animals’ personalities and past experiences. Some dogs have a high prey drive and may see cats as something to chase, while other dogs are more laid-back and may even be affectionate toward cats!

Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

Take Raylan, for example. Not only does he do fine around cats, but he actually helps mother them!

In an interview with The Dodo, Rylan’s owner, Laura, explained that a shelter messaged her about four partially blind kittens that were in need of a foster home.

Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

Laura agreed to welcome the four kittens into her home.

From the moment she opened the kittens’ crate, Raylan was there to help. He assisted Laura in every step of the foster process, and acted like a surrogate mom of sorts!

Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

Raylan gave the kittens the love and support they needed and treated them as if they were his puppies. How sweet!

Check out the video below:

You can see more of Raylan and his foster kittens on Instagram, @raylan_the_dog.

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