Special Needs Cats At North Carolina Sanctuary Receive Toys & Treats Thanks To Your Support

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Your generous donations have provided much-needed supplies to special needs cats who want to thank you.

Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary in North Carolina is a safe haven for cats and kittens with any ailment. Cats arrive from near and far for a second chance at life.

It all started in 2004 with a blind cat named Louie. Alana Miller and her daughter were volunteering at a shelter and decided to take Louie home. They quickly realized he behaved like a “normal” cat by running and playing.

They wanted to give the overlooked and often deemed “not adoptable” felines a safe place to live, so the sanctuary was founded. It is now home to blind, FELV+ (leukemia positive) and FIV+ (feline immunodeficiency virus) cats.

Feeding and caring for the felines is expensive (roughly $1,000 per day), so Greater Good Charities is lending a helping hand through their GOODS program and your continued support.

The sanctuary received a shipment of cat toys, treats, soft blankets, litter boxes, and cardboard castles. The resident cats are enjoying their new gifts and send their thanks for your donations. The staff and volunteers also send their thanks.

“We strive every day to provide our cats with the healthiest lives possible and that includes their mental as well as physical well-being. The toys and supplies are already in use giving them more opportunities for play and exercise. In addition, we’ve welcomed several new cats since this shipment arrived and the cardboard houses and blankets have given them the comfort and privacy they need to acclimate to their new surroundings.”

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All the items were immediately put to use, and the staff even provided photos of their cats enjoying the gifts to share with you.

Read Boba’s story and how your donations are enhancing his life.

Photo: Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary

“Boba was found roaming the streets of Greenville, NC, by a wonderful soul who trapped him and took him to get neutered. At that time, he tested positive for feline leukemia and his chances for adoption option or even to get out of a shelter alive became zero. His angel had FeLV+ cats before so she knew what fate awaited Boba if a safe place for him couldn’t be located. She reached out to us and Boba came to BCR in late November 2023. While he has been through a lot of changes in his life lately, Boba is extremely sweet and people who meet him love him right away! He’s very playful and, as he gets more relaxed and happy in his new he, he’s playing with all kinds of toys, including the one shown in the photo.”

Kirby arrived at the sanctuary all the way from Florida and is thriving in her new environment. The sanctuary shared her story with us and said she is devouring all the tasty treats.

Photo: Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary

“Tiny Kirby came from Sarasota, Florida, where she started life as a barn kitty. When she was found, she went right to the vet because she only weighed 1 lb 13 ounces. They also discovered that she was also very anemic and had hookworms – and she is leukemia positive. A very kind woman decided to help this little one regain her health so she fostered her and nursed her back to health. At the same time, she was trying hard to find a safe place for Kirby to go. She contacted BCR and Kirby arrived in December 2023. Her angel even drove her to BCR from Florida! Since she arrived, Kirby has been spayed and is a very healthy and playful kitten. She loves to eat and we’re happy to see her loving the treats that came as part of this grant! We’re very happy Kirby’s forever home is at BCR.”

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See how happy Kirby is in the video below.

The sanctuary has saved countless cats and will continue to be a voice for the “not adoptable” felines who would otherwise be euthanized. They have seen firsthand just how normal these cats are and will do everything they can to save their lives.

“Please, if you believe that blind, FIV+ or FELV+ cats deserve to have an opportunity to live instead of being declared not adoptable and immediately killed, help us have the resources to help them.”

Meet all the resident cats here and watch them interact and play on the live streaming cameras. Louie has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but his memory lives on.

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