Stray Cat With Bleeding Eye Cried Out In Pain Until Someone Came To His Aid

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Meet Caramel.

He has had a tough life as a stray cat living on the streets of Greece. There are millions of stray animals searching for food and a safe place to rest.

Caramel lost an eye which healed poorly and developed an infection. When his other eye started to bleed, he took shelter by a building and cried out in pain until a passerby stopped to help.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

He was rushed to a local veterinary hospital where they started him on pain medicine as they examined him. The poor feline needs surgery to give him the best chance at seeing again out of his remaining eye.

Caramel is malnourished and losing hair which he is also being treated for. His road to recovery will be long and expensive.

He needs our help to heal.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

Greater Good Charities’ Emergency Animal Medical fund was started to help cats like Caramel get the medical care they need and the second chance they deserve.

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, Greater Good Charities and the Animal Rescue Site are in the process of deepening our commitment to the pets of Xanthi, Greece, ensuring every animal has the support it needs. We are also expanding our reach to several new areas within Greece, supporting both cats and dogs in need.

In late 2023, Greater Good Charities was approached by groups working in the city of Xanthi, Northern Greece, to assist in the support of over 600 animals seeking out an existence in and around a municipal rubbish site. Since then, working alongside the Animal Rescue Site and community partners, they have provided food, specialist medical care, funded high quality spay-neuter services and supported foster and adoption for dozens of pets.

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Caramel is just one of the many pets we’re helping in Greece, but we can’t cover his ongoing care without your support. Help us meet our goal of $4,000 for Caramel and pets like him.

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