A Little Boy Adopts the Oldest Unwanted Dog From Shelter, Bringing Happiness Until His Last Days.

It’s difficult to fathom how anyone could abandon their pets, but that’s exactly what happened when one family moved away, leaving their dog, Shey, with the Animal Rescue League of Iowa. Shey, a 14-year-old miniature poodle, spent the next four months at the shelter, patiently waiting for a new home despite being nearly toothless, partially … Read more

A Stray Dog Kicked By Driver Returns With Friends To Trash Car.

They say it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie, but one driver clearly didn’t heed this advice and is now facing the consequences. This individual disturbed a resting dog by forcibly removing it from a parking space. Upon the dog’s return, it was accompanied by a group of companions and appeared to be quite agitated. … Read more

A touching moment as the dog bids farewell to its owner

When Ryan Jessen, 33, passed away suddenly due to a brain hemorrhage, the medical staff responded in an unexpected way. “The hospital showed great kindness by allowing us to bring my brother’s dog in to ‘bid farewell,’ so she could comprehend why her owner never came back home,” shared Ryan’s sister Michelle on social media, … Read more

Dog Prefers Cardboard Box Over Other Beds After Being Saved From Streets

PHOTO: FACEBOOK/detroitdogrescue Captain, a remarkable canine with a distinct character, challenges the usual norms with his choice of resting place. While most dogs prefer comfortable and plush beds, Captain finds comfort in a simple cardboard box as his nightly refuge. Kristina Millman-Rinaldi, the founder of Detroit Dog Rescue, revealed on social media that Captain’s fondness for … Read more