Molly, No Longer A Chain Dog!

Miss Molly came into our lives 3 years ago. (Dec. 1) which is now her Bday. She spent the first 4 years of her life on the end of a 20 ft. chain. It all started when I walked past her on my way to work. She would bark at me. I began throwing her … Read more

Poor “Buddy” the Fox Pup

As I was driving to work one morning on a very busy road, I noticed an animal on the shoulder of the road that had been hit. However, as I passed it, it popped its little head up. I immediately stopped, turned around, and drove back to this little creature. As I approached I saw … Read more

An Inexpensive And Straightforward Method For Eliminating Cockroaches From Your Residence.

Dealing with cockroaches in your home can be unsettling, especially considering their preference for cool, damp, and dark environments. However, there is an effective and budget-friendly method to eradicate these pests from your living space. Creating Cockroach Bait Balls: To start, combine approximately three tablespoons of boric acid with the yolk of one egg until … Read more