Foster Works Hard to Save Two Surviving Days-Old Kittens After Losing Three

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This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I was talking to a friend who worked at my local SPCA about her need to find people to foster newborn kittens, and I heard myself say, “Sure, I’ll try that.”


Soon after, my friend’s phone rang and someone had found two 2-day-old kittens under a trailer with a mother who couldn’t nurse due to an infection. I said I’d stop by the SPCA to pick them up after work.


When I came to pick up the kittens, my friend came out with five, as three more had been found! I gulped and said I’d do my best with these little needy ones who were sickly themselves.


Within 10 days, three had died, leaving just a brother and sister and me, who was worried sick about them! After a few anxious weeks, an acquaintance said she’d adopt the little tabby boy after he was ready for adoption, and by then I had decided to adopt the little grey girl and name her Piccolo.

Shortly after the tabby was neutered, microchipped and given his first shots, it was time to introduce him to his forever mom, or so I thought. I reached out to her several times unsuccessfully and then realized it would be best for all involved if he stayed with me and his sister, since they were so bonded by this time. And I was sure bonded with them!

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I named the tabby Puck, and together, Piccolo and Puck have made good friends with my other rescue cats and have brought so much joy into my life!

Story submitted by Kristen Harrell from Norfolk, Virginia.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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