Stray Cat Covered In Lice And Suffering From Untreated Wound Finds Forever Home

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Hope for Paws, a California animal rescue organization, received a text about an injured stray cat and rushed to rescue him.

JoAnn Wiltz and Dominique arrived to find the black cat quietly sitting by a garage door, almost like he was waiting to be rescued.

He was named Grimm by the couple who had been feeding him for the past few months. The feline appeared friendly and seemed comfortable around people. He didn’t run off when Wiltz approached but instead started to purr.

Screenshot: YouTube/Hope For Paws

Grimm was carefully loaded into a pet carrier and brought to a vet to be examined.

As expected from his appearance, the feline was suffering from major problems and needed extensive medical treatment.

Screenshot: YouTube/Hope For Paws

Grimm tested positive for Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), was covered in lice, diagnosed with severe dental disease, and had a huge abscess on his back from an untreated wound.

But he didn’t let his rough past change his sweet demeanor.

Hope for Paws said he was able to receive all the necessary treatment and surgeries thanks to their generous donors. The adorable feline made a full recovery and enjoyed all the extra attention and belly rubs.

Screenshot: YouTube/Hope For Paws

Another local rescue, Sierra Pacific Furbabies, fostered Grimm and quickly fell in love with him. They eventually found the purrfect forever home for him.

Numerous fans and fellow animal lovers commented on the rescue video saying they were thrilled that Grimm had finally found his fairy-tale ending.

One wrote, “That abscess must’ve been so painful yet Grimm didn’t lash out. He definitely must’ve been someone’s pet before with the sweet temperament that he has. So pleased that he now has a loving forever home where he can be treated with all the affection & kindness that he deserves. I’m typing this lying on the sofa with one of my cats wrapped around my feet & my other cat stretched out on top of me purring away like crazy. Rescue cats all the way for me, I hit the jackpot when I adopted my two.”

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Watch the amazing rescue and recovery in the video below.

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