This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!
In 2013, my health took a turn for the worse. I was in almost constant pain. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease where my body attacked my joints and organs. I could no longer work, and even getting out of bed some days required help. My social life was limited. I really wanted a small inside pet, but I was unsure.

My son said he would help me on days I was in pain and struggling. After months of looking and consideration, I wanted to try to find a kitten – cats were my husband’s favorite animals and he felt they would be a better fit for me with my new limitations. I looked around, cruising the papers and internet. Finally, I posted an ad of my own.
A young lady responded that she had two semi-feral kittens in her neighborhood. They had fed them off and on, and they were approachable. The kittens were in trouble with the homeowners in the area, though, because they had been getting into people’s ductwork to escape the cold – it was December, Christmas in fact.

My husband and I went to look at them both, one male and one female. When she came to meet us, she had only been able to find the female kitten. I fell in love instantly, and we took her home that night.
She was very hungry. For days, she ate and ate and ate at every opportunity. She swaggered around the house with a huge belly, so we named her Pudge. In the meantime, my husband had said I could also adopt Pudge’s brother – he was so handsome and I had not been able to stop thinking about him.
The thing I didn’t know yet was that my kittens had also helped me. I took them out of the cold and gave them food, but they gave me back some quality of life. I am always laughing at their antics, finding new ways to entertain them. I am officially a crazy cat lady now!

Story submitted by Aimee Crow from Camdenton, Missouri.
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!