Senior Cat Dumped At Shelter For Having A Few Accidents In The House

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Cats are loyal companions that simply ask- but sometimes demand- food and attention. Their soft purr can soothe any worry. They will give you unconditional love and only ask for the same in return. Sadly, many senior cats and dogs end up in shelters when their health begins to decline.

Lady, a 20-year-old cat, was surrendered by her family to BARCS Animal Shelter, located in Baltimore, Maryland. They told the staff the reason was because Lady had some accidents outside of her litter box. Lady was terrified and confused as to why her family would abandon her.

The beautiful tuxedo feline was examined by a vet and it turns out she had valid reasons why she was having accidents in the house. The staff realized that she was almost completely blind and in the beginning stages of renal failure. After observing her, the staff told Love Meow, “Her aging, wobbly back legs sometimes make it difficult for her to get to her litter box in time.”

She deserved to spend her golden years in a loving home. “After a lifetime of being a loyal and loving pet, she belongs in a home and with a family to prove to her that love is not conditional and to show her that even though she is sick, she is deserving of someone who will love her until her very last day.”

The shelter posted a picture of Lady with the status, “She’s alone missing her home, scared, confused and wondering what she did to end up here. Where did her family go, when will they be back to get her? Where is her soft bed, and all of her favorite sun spots? No pet deserves to spend the end of their life in a shelter kennel—Lady needs an angel to save her.”

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Luck was on her side, Rebekah Carlyle, a veterinary tech, came across a post about Lady and she was immediately reminded of her beloved cat, Minnie. Rebekah adopted Minnie when she was 20-years-old from BARCS. It was love at first sight. The pair immediately bonded and it felt like they had been together for years.

Four short months after Minnie was adopted, she passed away from renal failure. Rebekah was heartbroken and told Love Meow, “I was absolutely shattered. They sent me home from work, I couldn’t even function. I think about her every day.” She knew that she had to help Lady and called the shelter to inquire about her.

Rebekah and her husband, James went to meet Lady and take her home. “The second I saw her, I lost it. I put my hand in the cage and she sniffed me then let me scratch her,” Rebekah said. Lady was going home with her forever family who will love her unconditionally.

Lady was a bit nervous in her new home, but quickly warmed up to her new mom. Lady loves to lay in her mom’s lap and isn’t shy about asking for attention. She enjoys ear scratches and the comfort of her mom nearby as she eats. “Hi everyone! This picture right here is exactly why we do what we do,” was posted as an update by James with a picture of Lady and Rebekah.

She was immediately started on a prescription diet for kidney health and her new mom is starting her on supplements to help with the arthritis in her back legs. “I am so happy to be able to help another, I feel like I owe it to Minnie. They didn’t deserve to be thrown away after 20 years of the only thing they’ve ever known.”

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Lady will spend the rest of her days with people who love her unconditionally.

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